Register at the Facebook Gala Event page
or email at [email protected]
Livestream Link
Sing to the LORD, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.
Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. Psalm 96:2-3
YES! We are celebrating with a LIVE concert at the Jacksonville Gala, marking 20 years of God’s call and blessing. Local friends are invited to make reservations to join us in person, and all are welcome to celebrate with us through livestream. Please join us live or online to experience the excellent talent and creativity that God has been bringing to Proclaim to use for His kingdom.
Live Performances by Three Proclaim Bands
Proclaim Jazz
Featuring world renowned performing artists
Gregory Tardy, Tom Richeson, Mark Boling, John Hamar
Southern Cross Bluegrass
Florida musicians taking Americana international
Soul Tattoo
Proclaim’s International band from Germany
Dessert and Coffee will be served
Register at the Facebook Gala Event page
or email at [email protected]
View the Gala livestream at
or at Proclaim! International on
Proclaim’s ministry goes far beyond musicians and concerts. Current ministries will be highlighted through video updates and we will share news of how God is leading Proclaim into the near future, including announcing the opening of a new ministry center here in the United States.
What We are Celebrating
On September 1st 2000 we launched a new mission organization – Proclaim! International. Building on a previous 29 years of experience focused on Europe as our area of service, we became convinced that God was asking us to enlarge our borders – to go to anyplace He asked us to go…. And we have done just that. Those verses from Psalm 96 really capture our central focus – Singing to the Lord and proclaiming salvation to the nations.
In the past twenty years our staff and teams have been on every continent (except Antarctica) aiding believers by finding bold and creative ways of proclaiming good tidings of His salvation. Through performance arts, media arts, personal evangelism, teaching, and humanitarian projects, we have helped hundreds of local churches and ministries reach their communities.
Donate to Gala Fundraiser
Donations toward our fundraising goal may be made at Proclaim’s secure donation site:
Help us celebrate and encourage the church in Mackovec, Croatia, as their new church building and ministry center becomes a reality. Groundbreaking took place in February 2016, and now the building is nearing completion. The plan is to have the inaugural service on Reformation Day this fall (2019) and the grand opening celebration in June […]
In July Proclaim! celebrated the 20th year of Mercy Street Rhythm and Blues band, with a ministry tour Croatia and Serbia. Mercy Street Rhythm and Blues was originally created to minister in open air concerts all across former Yugoslavia. This ministry team, including the reuniting of some original members, performed and proclaimed in city squares and public venues in a record-breaking Europe heat wave!
The April 27th annual Gala fundraiser was truly one of the best yet with three teams who have been active in ministry in Peru. The performance variety from the three very different ministries kept things moving along! So much talent and creativity all for the glory of God!
On July 25 our dear friend and colleague Ed Stephenson experienced what it is to be “absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” — whose salvation Ed has faithfully spent his life proclaiming. Ed holds a record for short term participation in Proclaim evangelism tours, having been on at least one tour nearly every year since 1995, except during a period when he was recovering from having half a lung removed! But he came back from that temporary setback more motivated than ever, and after another 15 years of dedicated ministry he completed 2016 with two evangelism tours – a sax quartet in Greece and, a week later, on to China with a jazz band.
Four years ago Ed became a Proclaim Associate in recognition of the ongoing commitment that he and his wife Gail have had in personal sacrifice for the ministry of the gospel through Proclaim. He is part of us. How we will miss the exceptional musical ability and creativity, the humor, and the humble, gentle, generous spirit of this multi-faceted half musical genius, half brilliant engineer. He lived out Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
June 17 – July 1
This weekend kicked off the first of 6 Proclaim tours this summer, a very exciting and innovative evangelistic music tour in the South of France. Read more
The church in Mackovec, Croatia, home of Ima Nade-Proclaim ministry, was already filled to capacity when we first were introduced and began what has become a ministry partnership of over 30 years. During these years the church has adapted the facilities, started other churches, and just enjoyed close fellowship, as they faithfully continued to build the true church, the body of believers, and tirelessly reached out to the lost in their local community and far beyond. They never let the limited resources hold them back, but never lost the vision of one day having a building that could facilitate even more growth and capacity for ministry to those outside.
After years of planning, praying, and patiently waiting for God’s timing, property and administrative issues were resolved and the church broke ground for their new building in February 2016.
Since then, God has blessed with provision and significant progress through the work and sacrifice of believers in the body. The construction goal for the first year was met ahead of schedule with the building completely enclosed!
Needed to meet the goal for this year: Givers and Workers!
- $70,000 will be needed to meet the payment schedule for the roof contractor.
- Projects inside the building (dry wall, tile, carpeting …) are planned for local volunteers or work teams: Specifically – teams from the US who can finance their trip to do the work on various projects.
Branko Kovačević, Ima Nade Director, and Proclaim! International CoDirector says:
The church is ready for a big step forward. God has provided what we needed to begin, and we know that He will fulfill our needs according to the riches of His glory. We ask you to join with us in this project. Please pray for us, and help financially if you can.
For more information see church website or email Branko: [email protected]
Link to Donate at Proclaim! US
Select Ima Nade – Croatia 100101 on the dropdown menu
The Blue Door Band from California was in Peru with a 12-member Proclaim! team February 13-27. As people were attracted to the band’s pop, jazz and Latin music at daily outreach events, they heard the good news and had the opportunity to connect personally with the team and with local churches.
THE BLUE DOOR BAND – LISTEN HERE (Click on Videos at the site)
SAX 4TH AVENUE saxophone quartet has returned home from Greece. On arrival they hit the ground running after a 2 day delay because of a strike in Greece. Read more
For many of the cultural contexts in which Proclaim is working, this season is one of the best times of the year to talk with creativity and boldness about the Hope that is within us.
Annual Christmas Production – Ima Nade, Croatia
And the Proclaim community has been doing exactly that: a concert for refugees in Germany, Christmas concerts in Belarus, a “Christmas Lord’s Supper” banquet in France, four nights of Christmas concerts with a refugee theme in Croatia with 1000 people from the community attending, a theater play in Peru, with church members participating — as well as the many personal contacts and conversations with friends and neighbors.
At Christmas, as always, we trust that God will use each point of contact, whether a high profile public event or a brief conversation with a neighbor talking about the Real meaning of Christmas, as a powerful entry point for His Spirit into lives.
Kim Peterson, Latin America Ministry Coordinator
Recently I played in the orchestra at a local church for their Royal Wedding musical. I got a text late the night before asking if I could substitute for their sax player in this production. I said “yes” and am very glad I did. It was a powerful play that creatively and emotively told the gospel story. I cried during it, even though I was sight reading and needed to keep a clear head, focused on playing the music. There were over 20 in the orchestra, a choir of about a hundred, and about 20 actors.
All the effort and expense to reach the community with the gospel reminded me of the effort and expense God invested and continues to invest in us. Serving God well can’t be done “economically.” We serve him lavishly and sacrificially. When we do that, the power of God’s love is displayed. Audiences sense it and feel it, and many come to understand and live it.
Our Proclaim team is going to Chile next month, sacrificially and lavishly, because we are going to love Chileans like God loves us. As we continue to work hard to prepare, we are going to see more and more God’s awesome love and truth displayed in and through us.
We do this for our Lavish Lord.
The Sunrise Church four who are part of the team
January 25-February 2 Proclaim members Kim Peterson and Jeff Aslesen return to the Island of Hispañola and the Dominican Republic where Columbus first set foot in the New World. They will work with believers there to help people place their faith’s footing on the Rock of Ages and discover the New Life.
Kim says:
This is the Carnaval season in the D.R. a dark, dangerous and disappointing time where people look for what they long for in places where their needs can’t be satisfied. We will spend this week in La Vega, Dominican Republic, reaching out to seekers and rallying Christians to join the rescue party. We will be calling out through music and the Word to invite people to eat the only True Bread that satisfies. From Monday to Saturday we’ll be in churches, on the street, and in a jazz club. On Sunday we participate in the kick-off event of Unidos Por El (United By Him). This is the first event of an entire month of February activities sponsored by UPE which offer Living Water to the thirsty of LaVega, D.R.
Here is one of the songs in Spanish that Kim wrote for this outreach:
Lyrics in English:
Jeanne and Kim Peterson led a team of 15, age 13 to 59,
to Lima, Peru with the Good News.
Their outreach tools were dance and music. For two weeks, dancers danced and spoke the gospel during 30 presentations.
Together with musicians, they proclaimed the Gospel in schools, churches, on the street in parks and in plazas.
God grew them closer to Himself as they celebrated Him.
And He filled them with joy as hundreds said “yes” to Jesus’ invitation to receive forgiveness and life.
Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Rom 10:14
Photos Jeanne Peterson
PO Box 56888
Jacksonville, FL 32241
[email protected]