A Proclaim team was recently in Belarus with our partner organization. This is our 3rd year assisting with events centered around X-Star band festival. October Light band from Proclaim!-Croatia was featured this year. Other ways we were involved were activities in schools and teaching master classes for musicians and sound techs. And something new offered this time was an introduction to a program that provides help in recovery from addictive behaviors.

marv carey reformat

Marv and Carey in Minsk

Marvin Klein (Proclaim!-France) did some speaking in Minsk, even before the tour started, introducing this program. Fourteen men and women participated in the meeting with 4 different groups represented. All embraced the concept, recognized the potential benefits, and were eager to start such a program, although they were hesitant because of the lack of leaders trained in the program. Marv was able to assure them that most groups in new areas are started without a trained leader, and that they had within their group a potential leadership team who would learn and grow through the experience. The result, after serious consideration, was a commitment to the task. It’s exciting to share this powerful resource to provide practical help for their local community. And throughout the tour opportunities opened up to help others who were eager for tools like this.

The Proclaim team, representing Croatia, Germany, France, and USA, was primarily in Brest. Look for reports on how exciting, exhausting and productive the time was for this team in all the planned (and unplanned!) activities that came their way.

A visual montage of the 2012 Tour to Croatia…

Check out the rest of our videos HERE

Croatia Tour 2012 from Proclaim! International on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 13, 2013      6:30 pm      Marriott Hotel, Salisbury Rd

Registration is Now Closed! 

We are looking forward to our tenth annual Gala, our major fund raising event, which is a highlight each year.  The program will feature our newest associates in Belarus, musicians of the band Salvation.  

Gala 13 pashaigorThis event not only helps us gain crucial funding for continuing and expanding opportunities throughout the year, but gives a way to introduce new people to Proclaim! Plan to join us for a memorable evening if you are in the Jacksonville area. If you cannot attend but would be able to contribute financially, you will greatly encourage us through your part in providing for the coming year.

Contact Proclaim!
for more information:
[email protected]


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