How We Do Ministry
Evangelism is the communication of the truth of salvation to those who don’t believe. Many in the “post-Christian” west dismiss the gospel as irrelevant to their lives, while in much of the rest of the world Christianity is discarded as unthinkable and immediately rejected as foreign to traditional religions tied for centuries to national, cultural or ethnic identity.
Yet, we know that God is calling us to reach them with His truth. The challenge is to present the gospel in such a way that they will reconsider its message.
Our approach to evangelism is unusual in that we reach the people who probably would not or could not ever enter a church. We challenge them with the truth in ways that capture their attention and overcome cultural and traditional prejudices.
Music, drama, mime, dance, visual arts, sports, teaching, and compassion efforts, are excellent instruments to communicate truth. The message is more eagerly embraced when presented in a creative way that catches a person’s curiosity, engages mind and heart and body, or helps meet a felt need. Through these approaches people respond with openness to discussing heart issues relating to truth and the meaning of life.
Our love for God demands our best, and doing our best underscores our dedication to our faith. Excellence lends credibility to the messenger and commands the attention of those we are seeking to reach. Communicating with clarity and skill is a consistent testimony to the truth of the message. However, no art of man can save anyone. The gospel is the power of salvation, but people must first hear it before they can believe.
Sadly, for many people in the world, the gospel is neither good nor news. Anything that hints of Christianity is usually greeted with either apathy or animosity. “They walk,” as Paul said, “in the futility of their minds, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them…” God’s Word is light, but how do we get them to see it?
Ironically, talking about religion may draw anger, but singing about God may well draw applause. For many people speaking about God is viewed as being antagonistic but singing about God is artistic.
Through artistic communication we take the light of God’s truth and reflect it at different angles. This provides a new perspective and delights darkened hearts with the joy and hope of the gospel. People are often amazed that Christ is proclaimed publicly in city squares and marketplaces. Maybe astounding today, but an idea used by the first missionary, Paul.