Peru – Understanding the Need

From Proclaim! Co-Director, Rino Beretta

The Plight

Lima is Peru’s capitol.  It is a city of 11 million people, the majority of whom, though acquainted with gospel “information” lack a personal, life-giving faith in Jesus Christ.  According to Besly Arianne Muñoz Quintana, a law student at the Universidad del Pacífico; “Distrust and a negative mentality are gaining ground in Peru. You can no longer believe in anything or hope for improvement.” Against this backdrop, Jesus brings hope for today and for eternity. We who follow Jesus know that He is life and light, not just for us but for everyone.

The Plan

For this reason, PROCLAIM! Peru, a sister organization of Proclaim! International U.S.A. is organizing a series of Good News concerts throughout the city of Lima from June 18 to July 2 featuring Proclaim! U.S.A. band La Puerta Azul (The Blue Door Band).  We plan to be in economically very needy areas as well as more developed places. Public squares, schools, parks, avenues, and theaters are some of the venues where we will share the good news of the gospel. Our team will be composed of musicians, translators, roadies, and volunteers from the church.

The Process

The team of La Puerta Azul will delight audiences with a fun and meaningful concert of good music with a great message. As listeners enjoy the program they will be impacted by the hope and power that the gospel brings us. During concerts and in conversations that happen after events we believe God will touch lives and draw many to His Son through the songs and testimonies of La Puerta Azul.  We are convinced that this effort is an essential, Spirit led part of God’s plan to transform Lima and Peru for His glory.


On behalf of believers in Peru, thank you for sending La Puerta Azul to help us encourage our countrymen to follow Jesus Christ, to go through the Door and there find the Living Water and the Bread of Life.