PROCLAIM! A Missionary Community

We believe the Sovereign Lord has called our Proclaim! missionary community into being to serve as an extension of the ongoing redemptive work of Jesus Christ, enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Everything in our identity arises from recognizing that call to accomplish His purposes. Believing that a truly biblical missionary community will bear the marks of the body of Christ, in its mission and its common life (koinonia).

One of the ways we have consistently lived out these values that were expressed in our founding documents over 20 years ago, is meeting every week as a community, not for business, but for body life – study of the word, prayer, challenge, and encouragement. We gather as many as can meet around the table in Jacksonville – or on the Zoom screen from coast to coast and from other countries.

. . .  being of the same mind,
            maintaining the same love,
                  united in spirit,
                         intent on one purpose.    Philip 2:2