Proclaim! International Gala in Jacksonville


At our recent Proclaim! fund raising Gala evening guests were challenged to Fuel the Fire and Fan the Flame of God’s work through Proclaim!

Our Latin band Los Vecinos, from their recent tour in Belarus, and our Proclaim!-Peru mime team demonstrated the power of the arts to surprise people with the gospel. 












We are thankful that our desire was fulfilled to have new people as well as long-time supporters join in the evening. Even many who know Proclaim well had no idea of the extent and diversity of the work Proclaim is involved in throughout the world.



Our audience got a glimpse of a few of these Proclaim! pursuits, as Co-Director John Bowers shared five snapshots of Proclaim ministries through live interviews and photo illustrated stories.

We thank God that as many caught the vision, over half of our $80,000 financial goal for the event was met. $43,000 has already been given or pledged, but a significant need remains for funding our ministry commitments for this year.


Please consider making a donation at the link below to help meet the goal. Or contact the Proclaim office [email protected] about making monthly donations for the remainder of the year. Thank you for helping Fuel the Fire and Fan the Flame!

Gala photos by Jeff Westcott: